The Human Rights of People Living with Dementia: From Rhetoric To Reality
A Dementia Alliance International publication to coincide with the adoption by Alzheimer’s Disease International of a Human Rights based approach, and to coincide with Dementia Awareness Week
"We are launching this landmark Dementia Alliance International (DAI) booklet because,
as a direct result of DAI’s advocacy, a rights-based approach including access to the
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), that we
have advocated for, has just been adopted by Alzheimer’s Disease International.
This is a watershed moment for people with dementia across the world. The human rights of people with dementia lie at the heart of our work. Access to the UN Disability Convention was one of the demands made by DAI’s Chair, CEO and Cofounder, Kate Swaffer at the World Health Organization's First Ministerial Conference on Dementia held in Geneva in March 2015. Since then, we have done everything we can to make a reality of that demand."
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